Monday, November 17, 2008
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This course will serve as an introduction and review of basic grammatical rules of standard written English through the use of creative writing exercises and projects. Students will also explore stylistic concerns of prose and poetry, writing conventions, and the writing process as a whole, particularly revision.
1. On that fateful night, when the sky was dark and the mood ominous, where were you?
2. Why, being where you were, in the world did you decide to come home?
3. That feeling, the deep feeling of foreboding you say you had in your stomach, why did you follow it?
4. Don't you realize that that's how horror movies begin?
5. How wet was the steering wheel from your sweat on the way back home?
6. What thoughts were going through your head, that night when the sky fell on your car and seemed to trap the air inside of it?
7. Why were you so anxious?
8. Did you drive safely, or did you rush home?
9. You moved slowly, but with a trepidacious apprehension that made everything speed-up?
10. Were you pulled over by the police?
11. Why didn't you stop?
12. What was in the back of your car?
13. What was in your house?
14. Did the sirens blare so loud that you're sanity was dispersed; did you lose all sense of reality?
15. Did you hit a car during your chase?
16. Was the body in the back okay?
17. When did you find yourself crying?
18. How did you feel when you saw two more police cars?
19. How did you feel when you saw their sirens?
20. How did the barricade feel?
21. How did you manage to slip past it, and lose the police?
22. How cool was the river that you drove the car into?
23. How hard was it to heave the body from the sunken car, when the water was pressing down on your very conscience?
24. What did the body say to you?
25. Why did you pause before putting hatchet to the body?
26. Why did your hands tremble?
27. Why was your face twisted in agony, in utter pain with each short cut of the hatchet?
28. Why did you think the deed was finished?
29. Why did you leave the hatchet in the water, the consuming, cold water that held all of your secrets?
30. How long did it take you to walk home?
31. Was it cold outside?
32. Why was your mouth struggling with an emotion to portray?
33. What were you thinking?
34. Why were your thoughts cluttered with red?
35. Why did you remember home?
36. Why did it begin raining after you left the water?
37. Was it perhaps a metaphor?
38. Do you think about that sometimes?
39. Do you ever wonder if nature held your future, and that you merely cut the body in accordance to prophecy?
40. Why did your footsteps hasten?
41. Why did you put your hands deep into your coat?
42. Why were you murmuring to yourself?
43. What were you murmuring to yourself?
44. Why did you go to hail a cab, but withdraw your hand?
45. Why did you think about home?
46. What was waiting for you at home?
47. As you walked home, did you feel your heart beat?
48. Did your heart beat match your steps?
49. Why did your heart beat go so much faster than your steps?
50. Have you ever thought that perhaps, in some pre-destined way, your heart was trying to put up a shield?
51. What if your heart was telling you to stay away, what if it was trying as hard as it could to run away?
52. Why didn't you listen to your heart?
53. Were your steps that much more persuasive?
54. Or was it your psychic energy, warning you of an intrusion?
55. Maybe it was that they were found, that all your precious loves were found, on that dark, oppressing night.
56. What color was your hands?
57. Was it an exact shade of vermillion?
58. You sure it wasn't scarlet?
59. What was waiting for you at home?
60. Why won't you tell me?
61. Why are you afraid of authority?
62. What happened when you were a child?
63. What dark things could your father possibly have put you through in order to cast such a looming shadow on your future?
64. How many people did he kill?
65. How many were held in your room?
66. How did that make you feel?
67. Did he threaten to kill you?
68. That's how you lost your thumb and your middle finger?
69. Back to your story, why did you run toward when your heart was running away?
70. Weren't you suspicious?
71. What made you do it in the first place?
72. How did she upset you so?
73. Jealousy is a monster, have your parents ever taught you that?
74. And did the others do the same thing?
75. How did it feel to see their dying love; fear, as you call it?
76. Why is love fear?
77. Why did you keep them?
78. Where did you keep them?
79. Was this in part revenge for what your father did to you?
80. So now, what did you do when you approached your house?
81. Could you feel the presence of curious pigs, searching your house for rotten meat?
82. Did you gasp when you saw the cars out front?
83. Why did you continue to walk towards the house?
84. Why didn't your heart burst out of your chest?
85. When you saw the yellow tape, why didn't your brain read the implied meaning of "caution"?
86. Did it hurt when they handcuffed you?
87. How hard were you crying?
88. Who's voice did you call out?
89. Are those all-- 6 women you had in your fathers room?
90. Do you feel regret?
91. Do you love them?
92. Do you miss them?
93. Were they your only friends?
94. Did you... in any way perform necrophilia?
95. You do know that that's a whole nother charge?
96. How do you think their parents and families feel?
97. Why don't you care?
98. How can you possibly think you're their your own family?
99. Because you never had a real family?
100. Well, would you consider two men in a jail cell a family?
And he was sentenced with 40 years to life.
A Questionnaire for a Killer
1) Was there a moment when you wished you hadn’t done it?
2) Was it worth it to kill my grandmother?
3) Do you know how much trouble you caused our family?
4) Did you know my aunt was close to committing suicide?
5) Did you ever find the woman you were looking for?
6) I never seen her after that incident? They told me she went in to hiding. But for some reason I believe you killed her as well. Did you?
7) Do you know how much I hate you?!
8) What did you use, was it the metal bat that was found lying next to her or the gun that was thrown across the field right by the scene?
9) Can you remember how she looked before she died…and she closed her eyes…to end the pain of her being beaten?
10) Did you feel bad after it happened?
11) Do you remember why you did it?
12) Did you ever find the person you were looking for?
13) Did you know that my grandmother never meant to hide the girl; my grandmother did not know she entered the house. Does that change anything?
14) Did my grandmother scream? Or did she just let you kill her?
15) Did she try to fight back?
16) How did it happen?
17) Were you scared you were going to get caught?
18) Didn’t you hear the police coming when you began the beating? You could’ve gotten away if you would have stopped, and she would’ve lived and you wouldn’t be in jail now.
19) Does your family still come to visit you?
20) How does it feel to never get to see them? You can actually see them, but I have to imagine that she’s here.
21) Can you imagine life without your grandmother?
22) Do you know what this has done to my mother?
23) Do you know what she has to go through?
24) Can you imagine how it my mother feels to not be able to celebrate Mother’s Day without her mother actually being with her?
25) Do you know how bad I feel when I see my mother cry if I even mention my grandmother?
26) Do you know how depressed I feel when I step into to graveyard? No one should ever have to do that. Especially if the reason was that there grandmother was killed for going to the store!
27) Do you know I never met her?
28) Did you know that she had children? They waited for her to come back from the store to bring there dinner, and she never made it back?
29) Do you know how they felt?
30) How would you feel if this happened to you?
31) How would you feel about the person who did it?
32) What would you do to them? I would want to kill them. Would you? Would you try to kill them?
33) Why haven’t you answered? It should be pretty simple. You’ve already killed a woman with children, you have no heart. Why stop there? There are so many more people that deserve it. Isn’t that right?
34) Does this questionnaire change your thought of this at all?
35) Where are you reading this?
36) Is it on the rotting toilet in your cell?
37) Or is it on the rock hard cot?
38) If you were given a chance to fix something, would killing my grandmother come to mind?
39) Is there ever a moment when you wish you wouldn’t have done it?
40) I would imagine there was. But is it just for you to get out? Just for your own good?
41) Do you think it matters now? Well it doesn’t. She’s gone, and there’s no way to bring her back.
42) Do you believe in after life? That somehow we turn into different people after we are dead.
43) What do you think my grandmother will be? Will she be rich? Will her life be any better?
44) What do you think your life will be like? Will you be rich? No!
45) You’ll be a homeless man, who has nothing and nobody. Your family will reject you because of your looks. You’ll smell like rotting cheese and have bad hair. No on will feel sorry for you. People will see you holding your can, begging for food. And you’ll see me ride in my car, and spit in it. Will you cry?
46) Will you cry? Have you ever cried about anything? Or has your heart sunk to the level of not feeling sorry?
47) Do you feel good about yourself? I mean you’re a murderer, why would you be happy with yourself?
48) How does your family feel about you?
49) Do they ever come to visit you?
50) When was the last time you talked to them?
51) Or have you talked to them since you were in jail?
52) Do they just want to see you rot like I do?
53) Do you know that my grandmother was a good person?
54) Even though you killed her, do you know that she feels sorry for you?
55) She was a good person. Did you ever know her before you killed her?
56) Do you think if you did it would have made a difference?
57) Would you ever kill someone that you knew didn’t deserve it? What if there was a reward for doing it? Would the thought of sorrow just go down the drain?
58) Do you have any children or grand children? If you do, hat do you think they think about you now?
59) Do you want them to think it’s cool to kill people? Do you want them to see you as a “role model”?
60) Or do you want them to be disgusted with you? Say that your not there daddy and that you’re a bad man?
61) Which one would you rather have them pick?
62) I’ve already made up my mind to my appearance of you. You’re a murderer, and not like the one’s that don’t mean to really kill their victim. The one’s that intentionally kills the people with no thought. Just do it as quickly as possible, Is that how you want to be seen?
63) Does it hurt you that no body will ever trust you again?
64) What about your girlfriend? What will she say?
65) Do you think you’ll get this far in the questionnaire?
66) If you have, do you feel any different?
67) Do you see yourself any different than before?
68) Are you ever going to try to change, or will you just stay like this?
69) Did you answer all of my questions?
70) Or were you just trying to hide the answers that made you guilty?
71) Will you throw this paper away?
72) I hope not because this could help you maybe start to become that better person. Don’t you think?
73) I want to think it but it’s just too hard for me. But I can’t think why?
74) But maybe other people will see it in you. And possibly you will see it as well. Maybe, just maybe you will?
Jerry Figueroa
November 19, 2008
100 Questions
1. If I were a girl, would you treat me better or worse?
2. Would you buy me more things because I was “daddy’s little princess? “
3. Would you take me to the nail salon every week because I was “mommy’s only daughter?”
4. If I were “mommy’s daughter”, would you tell me secrets you didn’t tell me when I was one of your three boys?
5. Dad takes me to get a haircut every week, would you take me to do my hair?
6. If I come home with bad grades, would you yell at me?
7. Can you please answer me, mom?
8. Are these questions hard for you?
9. You want an easier one?
10. How about this one?
11. Would you love me more if I were “mommy’s only daughter?”
12. How about you, dad?
13. Would you love me more if I were “daddy’s little princess?”
14. Am I asking for too much?
15. Mom, would you explain to me what the Spanish words means on the soap opera?
16. Would you teach me how to make your delicious rice?
17. Would you let me have a boyfriend like you let Jerry have a girlfriend?
18. Would you treat him as good as you treat my girlfriends?
19. Since I would be your only daughter, would you call me special?
20. Dad, you call me Macho since I’m a boy, what would you call me if I were a girl?
21. Do you want to answer these questions?
22. Are you getting mad at me for asking you?
23. If I played sports, would you consider me a tom boy?
24. Why is there a difference?
25. Should there be a difference?
26. Do you see any difference?
27. If I were a girl, would you react the same if she asked you these questions?
28. Which would you prefer a boy or a girl?
29. Would you eat Wendy’s with me, or would you take me to Red Lobster?
30. Are you going to answer these questions?
1. Why stay if you never welcome?
2. Why smile if you don’t have teeth?
3. Will I reflect your footsteps?
4...Are we alone?
5. Why do we trust you?
6. How do people learn if they don’t go to school?
7. Can we call a box our home?
8. Missing parents?
9. Should we answer the phone?
10. Why don’t you understand?
11. How can you stay with no love for us?
12. Are those tears?
13. When are you coming back?
14. Who are you?
15. Mother?
16. Father?
17. Sister?
18. Friend?
19. Why draw in color when you see black and white?
20. Why write letters if you don’t write back?
21. Why miss my birthday if I’m your child?
22. Why eat out the garbage and you can eat at home?
23. When will you say you love me?
24. Silence?
25. Is that you?
1. How can the man smile when he cries inside?
2. How can the man dance when his legs are broken?
3. How can the man sing when he can not talk?
4. Why do people talk to the man when he can not hear?
5. What is his name?
6. Why does he not know it?
7. Who does he trust?
8. Is it you he hates? Why don’t you listen to the silence he gives?
9. Can you see the dances he does not dance?
10. Do you hear the song he does not sing?
11. Does he lay all day?
12. Does he wish?
13. Why don’t you understand the man?
14. Why don’t you care?
15. Are his tears made of apple juice?
16. Is his heart made of gumdrops?
17. How does the man think with no brain inside his head?
18. How does he love with no pulse In his heart?
19. Is he sweet?
20. Evil?
21. Can you feel his pain?
22. How can the man fall when he has no floor to fall on?
23. How can the man change who he is if he is no one?
24. Why can’t you understand the man?
25. How can you understand the man when there is no man to understand?
Old Friend
1) Why did I say “how are you”?
2) When did you tell me you were going to Ohio?
3) Can you tell me all of the various things that you’ve been up to?
4) If I had the chance to take back what happened, do you think I would?
5) Would you?
6) That night that we fought, I take back pulling your hair, but why did you push me?
7) Why did you bite me?
8) Pinch me?
9) Kick me?
10) And why did you scream, “I hate you!”, when we both got up?
11) Did you move away because of me?
12) Why?
13) Can you forgive me for what happened?
14) Do you want me to forgive you?
15) When you visit will you come and see me?
16) Do you miss me?
17) I miss being friends with you and I want everything to go back to the way it was, do you think it can?
18) If not, can we start over?
19) Hi, my name is Ta’Shae. What’s yours?
20) Did you say Halo?
21) How did you get a name like that?
22) Was it from your mom?
23) Your dad?
24) Aunt?
25) Uncle?
26) Who could ever think of a name so different?
27) Do you like it?
28) Why?
29) Would you like to change it?
30) What would you change it to?
31) Why Diamond?
32) If I could change my name I would change it to, Heaven, do you like that?
33) I have lots of friends, do you?
34) I have a boyfriend now, do you?
35) What’s his name?
36) Is he nice?
37) Are you happy?
38) I wish that our fight had never taken place, then you wouldn’t have moved away, don’t you?
39) Do you miss me?
40) Well I miss my old friend and I hope we can pick up where we left off, before we had the fight, don’t you?
1. Were you startled when the front door shattered?
2. Did you scream?
3. Did you listen to the footsteps from upstairs?
4. Where they too loud?
5. Where did you hide?
6. Where you in the closet?
7. Where you under the bed?
8. How long did you listen to their shambling?
9. Did the baby scream?
10. Is that why they found you?
11. How fast did they make it up the stairs?
12. How long did it take to find you?
13. Did they threaten to do terrible things, snarling at you as you trembled?
14. Did you hear them talking about a young woman?
15. Did you assume it was you?
16. When they found you did you see their faces?
17. Where they angry, rotted teeth clenched to the point where it looks like they’d crack?
18. Where there hands rough and cold, scratching and clawing as they pulled you to your feet, or where they surprisingly warm, as they were only acolytes?
19. Were they happy, seeing that they would be progressing in their work?
20. Did they seem amazed that you had run from it so long? Did they walk you down the stairs or throw you down?
21. Looking at them, their skin so pale, did you wish you had died all that time ago?
22. And when you finally saw it, hood shrouding the true form, massive blade in hand, did you scream again.
23. Why did you run if you wished to die?
24. Why did you break free of their grip?
25. What did you think would happen?
26. What did you think you could possibly do?
27. You did know you couldn’t change a thing, right?
28. As you ran down the street, screaming for help, did you think anyone would come?
29. You hoped someone would look out their window, move their shades, and emerge from the dark of an empty house, didn’t you?
30. Did you know that if you were caught you’d receive hell?
31. Maybe they’d forgive you if you surrendered?
32. Why do you keep running from death?
33. Why won’t you listen to me?
34. Where will you hide now?
35. Where will you take shelter until it finds you again?
36. You’re leaving your child behind?
37. Leaving it to its cold embrace?
38. It’d take more care of it than you would?
39. When will you tire of living for so long?
40. When will you accept death?
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